Saturday, July 27, 2024

Information about how to keep secure online and avoid becoming a victim of cyber crooks.

We depend on technology more than ever before to complete our studies, work, connect with others, and conduct our shopping and financial transactions.

Additionally, since we are spending more time online, many fraudsters and cyber crooks are taking advantage of the confusion and panic that has arisen in the wake of the epidemic.

We must use utmost caution and adhere to the safety precautions and guidelines that have been presented.

Our goal with this website is to provide valuable links and information to kids in order to help them succeed academically and to prevent cyber crime events in our community. In case of any الابتزاز الإلكتروني, please visit our website.

Everyone has the potential to be a target.

If you believe it will never happen to you, think again. Each and every one of us is at danger. And if anything does go wrong, the ITS Helpdesk will respond quickly to assist you.

Maintain the most recent version of your programme.

Set up automatic software updates to guarantee that you are always running the most up-to-date versions.

Maintain up-to-date anti-virus protection on your computer.

Make sure your firewall is turned on for further security.

Don’t be taken advantage of by con artists.

Take a moment to consider your actions before clicking on links or downloading files or installing software – even if they seem to be from a reliable source. You can visit our website in case of ابتزاز.

Make use of strong passwords.

Strong, one-time passwords should be used for all of your accounts and devices. And never, ever, ever share them. Read our advice on how to create a secure password, and visit the National Cyber Security Centre website for further information on how to keep safe online.

Make a copy of your data.

The Office 365 (OneDrive, Sharepoint, Teams), your Warwick shared drive, and your H: Drive are all good locations to store backup copies of your work. Remember to maintain your backups in a safe place as well.

Mobile gadgets should be safeguarded.

Maintain the security of any device that contains professional or personal data at all times, including computers, tablets, and smartphones. Passcodes and fingerprints may be used to authenticate users.

Secure your electronic gadgets.

Make sure you always keep your gadgets safe, both physically and online. Information security measures like as safe storage, locked displays, and encrypted drives limit the likelihood of important and sensitive information being lost or stolen.

Keep up with the latest news.

Visit our security news section on insite for the most up-to-date articles on security and information management practises and technologies. Inform and raise awareness among your social circle.

Examine the facts with caution.

A new website will be launched shortly to give a centralised, easily accessible area for the most recent updates, critical information, and advice on Information Management, Governance, and Security. The website will be available in English and Spanish.